Frederique Begin has been working in the human services field since 1993. She has focused the majority of her work and training on children and their families and holds certifications in pregnancy and postpartum issues; infant and toddler development; and family systems, among others. She was also certified as a developmental specialist through Early Intervention and has worked with children with special needs in a variety of settings. Fredy has experience in equitation therapy (hippotherapy) and expressive therapies and incorporates creative therapies when appropriate in her ongoing work with clients. Much of her work has centered on children and families who have survived trauma. Most recently, Fredy has focused on providing integrative treatment combining conventional and complementary care in order to holistically support clients.  She provides supervision for young social workers, as well as consultations, evaluations, and ongoing treatment for clients.  Fredy also has experience conducting forensic trauma evaluations.

Fredy graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in human services from Lesley College and at the top of her class with a master’s degree in social work from Simmons College. Born in the Netherlands and raised and educated in the United States, she speaks both Dutch and English fluently and has experience with cross-cultural issues and issues related to immigration. Fredy’s son graduated from Birches in 2022.