Frequently Asked Questions about Financial Aid
Financial aid is an award that bridges the gap between a family's demonstrated financial need and the total cost of enrolling at Birches.
Tuition combined with financial aid cover all school fees, including books, classroom supplies, field trips, etc. Additional expenses, including the afterschool school program, are discounted at the same rate as financial aid.
Any family who has financial needs can apply for financial aid through Clarity. Birches is committed to keeping our school affordable to families of different economic backgrounds. In the 2024-2025 school year, 39% of Birches students received some form of tuition support. We work to provide financial aid to as many qualifying students as possible.
All awards are granted on the basis of demonstrated need. Birches School uses Clarity to determine financial aid percentages.
An applicant family will apply directly to Clarity to determine a family's level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application. Clarity's application includes assets, income, expenses, and debts. Clarity computes the information and determines an estimate of what a family can be expected to contribute toward an independent school education.
The NAIS Family Guide to Financial Aid, published by NAIS, provides a thorough examination of financial aid at independent schools. Questions about eligibility and the application process are addressed, as well as guiding principles.
Student files are read and evaluated by the Admission Committee without regard for a family's ability to pay tuition. Financial aid materials are reviewed only after a candidate has been endorsed. At that point, we consider our available financial aid funds given the needs of the applicant group.
Financial aid awards are granted annually and applications must be re-submitted every year. As family circumstances may change, financial aid awards may change accordingly.