Danielle is a special education attorney based on the South Shore of Massachusetts who turned a deeply personal experience with her son into a highly specialized practice devoted to advocating for children with special education needs. She established Exceptional Children Special Education Advocacy LLC in 2019 with the belief that every child is exceptional and not defined by their differences, and parents need to be empowered with the tools to advocate for their children.

Her personal story, combined with her extensive legal background, provides her with a unique perspective which better enables her to support the parents – and children - she represents, giving them a voice when no one is listening. She understands the struggles her clients face, how emotional the process is, and the intricacies of the special education laws and process.

Danielle began her legal career in the financial services industry, where she was able to develop and sharpen her leadership, written and verbal communication, data analysis, active listening, and negotiation skills.

She is a member of the Massachusetts Bar, the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)and the Special Needs Advocacy Network (SPAN). She volunteers as a Special Education Surrogate Parent for children in DCF custody and provides presentations on special education topics to SEPAC organizations, parent groups, and service providers.